Punch Cards
Punch Cards
Punch Cards
Punch Cards
Punch Cards

Punch Cards

$15.95 USD

Punch Cards or Punch Boxes have been around since the 1920’s.  They are a 3 x 4 cardboard tile with a honeycomb set of 50 holes. Each punch card comes with two rigid pins that are used to push out scrolls.

50 Days to a Better Life - Each hole has a rolled up scroll which in the 50 Days Punch Card offers a daily task to complete.   The tasks or suggestions were solicited in five U.S. cities where people were asked for small things they could do that would leave them feeling good about themselves.

Answers - 50 whimsical scrolls to punch out that answer yes/no questions.

Fortune Teller - Each hole has a rolled up scroll which in Rizzo’s Fortune Teller has a fortune or thought written on it.   Think of it as a fortune cookie times fifty! The saying or fortunes are a collection of sweet thoughts offered up by baristas from various coffee shops in Portland Oregon. This is a best seller, a crowd pleaser, an ice breaker and occasional source of good advice.